Maico and Searching for happiness

My Life in ニュージーランド オーストラリア カナダ 留学 ワーホリ情報

Work environment

Working in Japan is hard.

Customer expectation is very high.

and We try to keep our standards very high to provide great customer service.


I only have 6 months to spend time in Canada.

I start to think how the life would be after going back to Japan.


As I grow up in Japan I have customer service experience in Japan. Also, I had many good experiences walking into the store and were hosted by friendly professional Consultant.

I wanted to provide Japanese way of customer service since many of customers told me They love Japan, and They had an awesome experience in Japan especially customer service.


English is my second language. My English is not perfect.

so beside I wanted to make sure customers had a good experience with me by serving tea, consultation, and every other detail that I can provide.


I work so hard to keep my position, try to remember every ingredient. 

keep clean the counter, and did what manager expected for me, too.


But maybe I didn't do enough. maybe I just wanted to think that I worked hard.

Of course, If I don't speak English very well, I should work harder than other people.


Canada is the most layback country that I heard.

My coworker is always invited her friend and talk or using her phone.

watching youtube, never do what we suppose to do as the company standard.


I only know few ways to ask a customer of skin type or whatever I am not a robot.

I am a human, so I start to think this way.


Why I need to work so hard while other people were just playing around.

and my big question was


"They can speak English very well, why they cannot do their job properly?"


My first reason that I wanted to work hard was for me.

I wanted to improve my skills.


Maybe I should watch "Devil wearing the Prada" again.

To keep my motivation.